3B Orthotics

Sport Insole

Sport Insole

Athletic insole
Control Options:
2mm semi-flexible
3mm semi-rigid
4mm rigid
Patient Selection:
 • Athletes and other active patients who require
moderate to maximum biomechanical control.
• Designed to prevent sport-related injuries by protecting against pressure and impact shock.

Soccer insole
Control Options:
2mm semi-flexible
3mm semi-rigid
4mm rigid
Patient Selection:
• Soccer players who require moderate to
maximum biomechanical control.
• Designed to prevent sport-related injuries by
protecting against pressure and impact shock.
Standard Cover: Sulcus and Full-Length 2mm microfiber top cover

Running insole
Control Options: 2mm semi-flexible
3mm semi-rigid
4mm rigid
Patient Selection:
 • Specially engineered for the better performance of the runner.
Standard Cover: Full Length (3mm top cover)
Special Features: Extrinsic rearfoot post (with 3mm foam heel lift).
 • Designed to take pressure off the Achilles Tendon, promote greater ankle dorsiflexion and to increase shock absorption

   Golf insole
Control Options:
 2mm semi-flexible

Share :
Head Office : No. 1, East Second Floor, Nosrati deadend, South Sheikh Bahayi St, Vanak Sq, Tehran, Iran
Labratoar : Yahya Abad , Mulla Sadra Blvd, Shahid Zaji Sq, Kashan
Tel : +982188607300
Fax : +982188041596
WhatsApp : +989034858807