3B Orthotics

3B Protect

3B Protect

When patients receive their orthoses, they may quickly rely upon their assistance to control biomechanical function and to protect their health against enormous amounts of impact placed daily on the body. It is not surprising therefore that over 80% of devices will need to be replaced, altered or adjusted within the first two years of their manufacture.
Protect is a warranty scheme exclusive to 3B, which gives the patient the peace of mind that their devices are protected against the possible cost of replacement and/or alteration for a 1 year period.

The Protect warrant scheme covers the orthoses for:
Protect offers one replacement pair of outgrown orthoses per two year agreement period, before the patients' eighteenth birthday.

Protect covers for lost or stolen orthoses by storing the positive impression profiles of every subscriber for the full two year period. There is a surcharge made for replacements which is significantly lower than the cost of purchasing a new pair.

Discount Scheme:
All patients covered by the protect scheme will be entitled to 30% discount on any additional purchased pairs.



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Head Office : No. 1, East Second Floor, Nosrati deadend, South Sheikh Bahayi St, Vanak Sq, Tehran, Iran
Labratoar : Yahya Abad , Mulla Sadra Blvd, Shahid Zaji Sq, Kashan
Tel : +982188607300
Fax : +982188041596
WhatsApp : +989034858807