3B Orthotics

Customized Prefabricated Foot Shell / Insoles

Customized Prefabricated Foot Shell / Insoles


Our experience in the field of lower  extremity biomechanics and foot orthotic manufacturing has made it possible to create one insole for multiple pain conditions, posture-related problems, prevention of enjury, support and enhancement of sports performance.

In the following section, you will find a diagram displaying the standard shell grinds which 3B offers. applied to different  types of foot.
The following 3B materials spectrum aids you in your material choice.
This spectrum is designed to give you a basic overview of the level of control which each material provides.

Choice of manufacturing methodologies is purely down to personal preferences. However,
below are some pointers which may aid in your decision process:

Each separate component of the products can be easily modified if needed.
A large variety of shells are available.

These sells grinds  may not be 100% accurate due to the handmade processes.



Share :
Head Office : No. 1, East Second Floor, Nosrati deadend, South Sheikh Bahayi St, Vanak Sq, Tehran, Iran
Labratoar : Yahya Abad , Mulla Sadra Blvd, Shahid Zaji Sq, Kashan
Tel : +982188607300
Fax : +982188041596
WhatsApp : +989034858807