3B Orthotics



From the beginning, all patient information and impression casts have been reviewed by
experienced biomechanical evaluators, before a single step of fabrication takes place.
Today, that procedure continues. Every day, our professional staff actively assist practitioners in
arriving at diagnostic considerations, prescriptions choices and device selections.
We thoroughly review all the facts, data and casts, since they are required in our mutual e
ort to produce the most therapeutically eective orthotics for each patient.
Think about it.

As you know, examination should be done by an expert physician and therapist.
Services are provided in two ways:
1)the absence of physician or therapy treatment team for examination
Phone call and connection to therapist via social applications for a thorough and accurate examination
The possibility of the installation of the clinic app, filling in the form and the sending of specified information
2)the presence of physician and therapist for examination
The installation and membership in the APP of 3B orthotics
  • Filling in the required information about foot orthoses
  • Taking a 2D picture with the mobile phone, according to the given instructions and sending the picture via application
  • 2D and 3D scan and sending it via application
Casting of the patient's foot and sending the mold to 3B 


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Head Office : No. 1, East Second Floor, Nosrati deadend, South Sheikh Bahayi St, Vanak Sq, Tehran, Iran
Labratoar : Yahya Abad , Mulla Sadra Blvd, Shahid Zaji Sq, Kashan
Tel : +982188607300
Fax : +982188041596
WhatsApp : +989034858807